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the leader sleeps in a hut made of willow stems and reeds woven into the roots of a huge willow tree on the banks of the river. the smoothrock is where they announce information to their clan.
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the medicine cat sleeps behind a deep olive sedge that leads into a hollowed-out rocky den. the walls are covered with twigs and reeds and the only light is captured fireflies that float around above.
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warriors and apprentices sleep in separate stick and reed huts. the outside is usually decorated with things the clan cats have found, like ribbon, shells, sparkling stones and other trinkets. usually, each apprentice and warrior is allowed to pick one item that represents them, so the dens never look the same as new warriors and apprentices enter.
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the nursery is against a wall with a sedge covering it. it is lined with feathers, fur, and pieces of cotton the clan has found. elders sleep at the high end of a slope in a den made of willow stems.
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russetstar 2 545 by russetstar
Jan 31, 2016 21:04:10 GMT